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Supermodel Hot Flash
How would you cope having a hot flash live on TV?
Hey there,
Have you caught the captivating documentary called 'Super Models' featuring the quartet of Naomi Campbell, Christi Turlington, Cindy Crawford, and Linda Evangelista?
Trust me, there's a tiny moment that deserves some spotlight.
In the midst of filming, Naomi experienced a sudden hot flash. It featured for about 5 seconds in the show, but witnessing someone as influential as Naomi go through it on TV is yet another example that the fierce women of Generation X are shining a light on the realities of perimenopause.

Naomi Campbell - Perimenopause and Hot Flashes
Check out this article → Naomi Campbell, 53, Says She's in Perimenopause While Having a Hot Flash in New Docuseries, 'The Super Models'.
And just the other day, something extraordinary happened on live national television in Australia.
The delightful TV presenter, Imogen Crump, had a hot flash during a live segment and stopped to fearlessly share her experience with her hosts and viewers in real-time.
It was a remarkable moment, reminding us once again of the power and courage of women who aren't afraid to embrace their truth in the spotlight.
What are hot flashes, and more importantly, what’s the best way to manage them?
This is what we are exploring today in Bolder Women today.
But before we dive in ...
A message from our Sponsor
The Elegant Eating Solution by Rhoda Lucas
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Deep Dive: Hot Flashes
Whether you’ve had your first hot flash yet, or not … this ‘deep dive’ will give you all you need to manage these.
Why do we experience a Hot Flash?
The variation in estrogen levels in perimenopause, disrupts your body's ability to regulate blood flow consistently.
Fluctuating estrogen levels lead to the constriction or dilation of blood vessels, resulting in an irregular pattern of constricting and dilating. Consequently, you may experience blood surges due to these fluctuations.
Additionally, since estrogen also plays a role in regulating body temperature, it contributes to the sensation of heat you feel.
What is the Typical Treatment?
Speak to your health care professional about the severity of your hot flashes and night sweats and discuss treatment options.
While MHT (Menopause Hormone Therapy) can be an option, there are other natural ways to deal with the rush of heat.
9 Foods Recommended by Dietitians to Help Manage Hot Flashes
Isoflavone, a phytoestrogen compound derived from plants, is abundant in soy. A recent study, the WAVS trial (Women's Study for the Alleviation of Vasomotor Symptoms), investigated the effects of a soy-rich diet and a vegan diet on hot flashes.
The results of this study were very encouraging!
The group receiving the combination diet experienced a remarkable 79 percent reduction in total hot flashes and an impressive 84 percent decrease in moderate to severe hot flashes!
In comparison, the control group showed only a 49 percent decrease in total hot flashes and a 42 percent reduction in moderate to severe hot flashes. Remarkably, 59 percent of participants in the soy group reported no longer experiencing moderate or severe hot flashes at all.
Choose minimally processed soy foods such as tofu, miso, tempeh, soybeans, edamame.

Flaxseed contains the highest concentration of phytoestrogens, alongside soybeans and tofu.
A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition discovered that plant lignans, present in flaxseeds, were able to considerably reduce the frequency of hot flushes in postmenopausal women.
You should aim for around 40 grams of ground flaxseeds daily which can easily be added to smoothies, oatmeal, yoghurt, salads or home baking.
Go the greens
Getting a generous daily dose of leafy green veggies packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients, can help with weight loss for menopausal women and relieve symptoms of hot flashes as shown by the large scale Womens Health Initiative Study.
Include broccoli, spinach leaves, kale, brussels sprouts, zucchini and asparagus. Aim to fill half your plate with vegetables at a meal and consume 5 serves of a variety of vegetables per day.
Unsalted tomato juice
A study published in Nutrition, discovered women who consumed 200ml of unsalted tomato juice twice a day for two weeks experienced a significant reduction in their menopause symptoms.
The group reported a 16 percent decrease in the intensity of their symptoms, including general fatigue, hot flushes, and mood swings. It is important to note that the women in the study consumed unsalted tomato juice.
Tomatoes are known for their high levels of lycopene, a potent antioxidant that has been associated with various health benefits, such as promoting heart health, anti-aging effects, sun protection, and now can assist in alleviating menopause symptoms.
The antioxidant properties of lycopene, along with the presence of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), have been scientifically proven to aid in reducing night sweats, suggesting that tomatoes could potentially help control menopausal hot flushes as well.
Make sure you read the label and choose a tomato juice that is unsalted or better still make your own juice at home.

Wild caught salmon
While including green vegetables in your diet is crucial, working in healthy fats is just as important. Omega three fatty acids found in fatty fish can provide some relief for hot flashes and night sweats.
Aim to increase your intake of omega three rich fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel ) 2-3 times a week or consider using a good quality fish oil supplement.
Snacking on 30g walnuts, as well as adding them to your recipes and salads can also help to reduce the severity of hot flashes associated with menopause.
Walnuts are a great source of plant omega three fatty acids. Other great sources are chia seeds and flaxseed as discussed above.

What about Supplements?
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh, a captivating perennial plant from the buttercup family, is a true gem bestowed upon women who suffer from hot flashes.
With its vibrant presence, this colorful character thrives in North America, spanning from the northern lands of Canada to the southern warmth of Georgia.
Oh, how it revels in showcasing its exquisite flowers, a sight to behold.

But it's not just its aesthetic allure that sets black cohosh apart.
It’s roots and underground stems steal the spotlight, for they hold the true magic within.
The main active ingredients known as 'triterpene glycosides' (quite the fancy name, isn't it?). These are the enchanting elements that breathe life into this botanical wonder.
Black cohosh also boasts a supporting cast of bioactive compounds, each with its own unique role in creating the captivating effects. Flavonoids, cimipronidine, salsolinol, and N(omega)-methylserotonin join the botanical carnival, adding their own touch of magic to the mix.
Black cohosh has a rich history, in the lives of Indigenous peoples of North America. The Penobscot, Winnebago, and Dakota tribes, among others, have long recognized the medicinal potential of this plant.
From treating coughs, colds, and constipation to combating fatigue and rheumatism, black cohosh has been a trusted ally.
It has even been used to stimulate breast milk production, a testament to its versatile nature.
But does it help reduce hot flashes?
The answer is Yes!
A recent study unveiled the extraordinary powers black cohosh extract.
It surpassed the mundane placebo and unleashed its enchantment on a multitude of symptoms.
It worked for:
hot flashes,
night sweats, and
… and even the dark cloud of depression that impacts many women navigating perimenopause.
Black cohosh even bestowed upon its users the gift of improved sleep quality.
Who needs a fairy godmother when you have black cohosh?
“Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo”, symptoms be gone!
The other good news is that Black cohosh is generally considered safe, and clinical studies have not reported significant side effects.
(And hey, as with everything we put in our mouths for medicinal purposes, always consult a qualified health professional to make sure it’s right for you #justsayin)
If you’d like to give Black Cohosh a try, you can check out this range on Amazon for quick delivery.
Steps from Today’s Issue of Bolder Women
Get mentally prepared. Hot flashes will come. And you’ll be OK.
Incorporate the foods listed above to help minimize symptoms.
Consider getting the Elegant Eating Meal Plans that include the 9 foods to minimize hot flashes … and get your nutrition up to speed with the latest guidelines!
Consider trying Black Cohosh as a natural supplement … it might just help.
Bite Size Snacks
Taking a daily simple walk reduces blood pressure → This study out of the University of Connecticut. Granted it was on older adults, so make sure you let your parents know!
Strength training protects your knees → Instead of risking our knees, a new study finds that strength training at any time in life protects our future knee health.
ADHD in adult women → A misdiagnosis impacts social and emotional wellbeing and makes relationships difficult. Don’t suffer in silence.
MEME of the Day

Summary of issue
If hot flashes are bothersome, consider talking to your health care professional about what can help. Look at your diet and aim to regularly increase some of the foods we have talked about today.
Reflection (to ask yourself)
Are hot flashes affecting you at work? What are some steps you could discuss with your workplace to provide a supportive environment when hot flashes occur?
The Team at Bolder Women